Finding Relief: How Hearing Aids Can Ease Tinnitus Symptoms


Quick Answer

Yes, hearing aids can help provide relief for tinnitus symptoms. By improving hearing and amplifying background sounds, hearing aids can reduce focus on annoying tinnitus noises.


If you hear ringing, buzzing, or other phantom sounds in your ears, you're not alone. About 15-20% of people suffer from tinnitus, a medical condition that causes noise in one or both ears without any external sound source. The bothersome tinnitus noises range from ringing and buzzing to roaring, clicking, humming, or even music. While tinnitus has no cure, treatments like hearing aids can help reduce the annoyance of tinnitus symptoms.

What Causes Those Aggravating Ringing and Buzzing Noises?


Tinnitus often arises when there is damage or impairment in the auditory system. Some of the common causes and risk factors for developing tinnitus include:

  • Age-related hearing loss - As we age, hearing decline often leads to tinnitus.
  • Noise exposure - Loud concerts, machinery, or explosions can damage hearing and cause tinnitus.
  • Earwax buildup - Excessive earwax can obstruct sound waves and lead to tinnitus.
  • Changes to ear bones - Stiffening of middle ear bones may impact hearing and cause tinnitus.
  • Head or neck injuries - Traumas to the head or neck area can disrupt auditory signals and generate tinnitus.
  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders - Jaw problems that affect chewing may also lead to tinnitus.
  • High blood pressure - Hypertension can increase turbulence in blood flowing through the veins and arteries near the ears, resulting in pulsing tinnitus.
  • Stress and fatigue - Increased anxiety and exhaustion may make tinnitus symptoms more noticeable.
  • Smoking - Smoking constricts blood vessels, potentially increasing the risk for tinnitus.

For some sufferers, the exact cause of their tinnitus symptoms remains unknown. While frustrating, several tinnitus management techniques can provide relief even without knowing the origin.

Combining Tinnitus Therapies Often Yields the Best Results

Tinnitus Therapies

Living with constant tinnitus can negatively impact concentration, emotions, and sleep. The good news is audiologists have identified several tinnitus treatment options that together can significantly reduce the burden of tinnitus:

  • Sound therapyuses external sounds like soothing music or nature sounds to mask the tinnitus. This helps divert attention from the annoying noises.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)trains patients to reframe negative reactions to tinnitus. CBT promotes habituation so the condition is less distressing.
  • Tinnitus retraining therapyemploys CBT counseling along with customized sound therapy for a structured habituation program.
  • Stress managementtechniques like exercise, meditation, yoga, or massage can help relieve stress known to exacerbate tinnitus.
  • Hearing aidsfitted by an audiologist amplify external sound and provide relief through tinnitus masking features.
  • Medicationsmay sometimes be prescribed to treat medical conditions like high blood pressure that contribute to tinnitus.

Since tinnitus is unique to each patient, a combination of the above techniques generally works better than a single approach alone. An audiologist can recommend the best blend customized to your tinnitus symptoms and their severity.

How Can Hearing Aids Help Minimize Annoying Tinnitus Noises?

Hearing Aids Help

Many patients with tinnitus also have some degree of hearing loss. Hearing aids are often an effective tool to improve hearing while also diminishing distracting tinnitus sounds. Here's how hearing aids combat tinnitus:

  • Improve hearing- Amplifying soft environmental sounds reduces straining to hear, which decreases stress and annoyance.
  • Mask tinnitus sounds- Background sound amplification makes the tinnitus less noticeable.
  • Generate soothing sounds- Hearing aid features like tinnitus sound generators add calming background noise.
  • Provide distraction- Masking and fractal tones divert focus from tinnitus noises.
  • Promote relaxation- Apps allow streaming of relaxing nature sounds to reduce tinnitus impact.
  • Enable customization- Apps permit adjustments for personalized sound therapy tailored to your tinnitus frequencies.

While ideal for many tinnitus sufferers, hearing aids don't completely eliminate symptoms for everyone. However, studies show that a significant percentage of patients gain at least partial relief from tinnitus noise with the use of hearing aids. Consulting an audiologist helps determine if hearing aids are a worthwhile option for reducing your tinnitus burden.

Initial Steps for Trying Hearing Aids to Quiet Tinnitus

If you're experiencing constant tinnitus noises, taking proactive steps for relief will help minimize its effects on your life. Here is the typical process for getting hearing aids to determine if they lessen your tinnitus:

  • Get a comprehensive audiologist evaluation to assess the type and extent of any hearing loss. The audiologist performs hearing tests to identify any auditory issues.
  • The audiologist recommends the best hearing aid model and settings tailored to your hearing profile and tinnitus. Advanced hearing aids with tinnitus relief features are ideal.
  • Communicate your tinnitus symptoms to the audiologist - what you hear, the loudness, pitch, etc. so they can optimize settings accordingly.
  • Select hearing aids with a generous trial period so you can evaluate their effectiveness at tinnitus reduction in real-world environments.
  • Schedule follow-up appointments with the audiologist for any needed hearing aid adjustments to achieve maximum tinnitus relief.
  • Compare features and prices of prescription vs OTC hearing aids to make an informed decision on what meets your needs and budget.
  • Discuss hearing aid styles like behind-the-ear, receiver-in-the-ear, and completely-in-the-canal to determine the most appropriate option.
  • Check medical insurance coverage and financing options to help offset the costs of hearing aids if needed.

Starting with an audiologist's guidance on hearing aids often serves as an excellent first step in finding respite from bothersome tinnitus symptoms. Their expertise can set you on the path to gaining control over tinnitus.

For an excellent selection of affordable hearing aids, be sure to check out Vivtone. Vivtone offers a range of high-quality hearing aids at reasonable prices to suit different budgets. Their website makes it easy to browse hearing aids and compare products and features. Vivtone aims to make effective hearing loss treatment accessible to all. Visit their site today to view their line of hearing aids that can potentially quiet your tinnitus.

Conclusion: A Proven Remedy for Many People Dealing with Tinnitus

If you continually hear irritating noises in your ears with no external sound source, you may have tinnitus along with some level of hearing loss. The good news is that modern hearing aids like those from Vivtone can provide real improvement for many affected by tinnitus symptoms.

For those seeking budget-friendly options for tinnitus relief, Vivtone gently guides you towards their thoughtfully designed hearing aids like the Lucid 508 and Lucid 516 models. Featuring high-quality components and soothing tinnitus masking modes, these hearing aids attend to your needs at affordable prices.

While not a cure, today's technologically advanced hearing aids may offer partial or complete relief by reducing focus on aggravating tinnitus noises. Especially when combined with customized sound therapy and tinnitus retraining, hearing aids represent an excellent first option to explore for minimizing tinnitus burdens.


Q1: How do people cope with severe tinnitus?

Coping strategies for severe tinnitus include sound therapy, stress management techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy, tinnitus retraining therapy, medications, hearing aids, and avoiding triggers like loud noises and stimulants. Support groups and counseling can also help with the emotional impact of severe tinnitus.

Q2: Can hearing aids help with sound sensitivity?

Yes, hearing aids can help with sound sensitivity, also known as hyperacusis. They amplify sounds gradually so your ears can adjust and don't need to strain to hear. Hearing aids also have options like sound generators to mask unpleasant noises.

Q3: When does tinnitus become unbearable?

Tinnitus may become unbearable when it severely disrupts sleep, concentration, or daily activities. Depression, anxiety, and trouble functioning due to tinnitus are signs it has become extremely burdensome. Consulting an audiologist or doctor can help if tinnitus becomes unmanageable.

Q4: How do I train myself to ignore tinnitus?

Strategies to ignore tinnitus include using background sounds to mask it, avoiding silence, practicing mindfulness meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, engaging in activities that distract you, and retraining your brain's response to tinnitus through habituation therapy.

Q5: How long does it take for a hearing aid to help tinnitus?

It may take several weeks to months of consistent hearing aid use to experience relief from tinnitus. It takes time to adjust to amplification and optimize the tinnitus relief settings. Improvements are gradual as your brain learns to tune out the tinnitus sounds.

Q6: Do hearing aids make tinnitus worse?

In rare cases, hearing aids may seem to make tinnitus louder at first. This is usually because you become more aware of sounds. With the right hearing aid settings adjusted over time by an audiologist, amplification should not make tinnitus worse and often makes it better.